Wednesday, April 24, 2019

(Correa, Jacob): Sam McCarty's Discussion (Decon. Diff & Nietzsche)- Relation

Within our April 24th class session, Sam McCarty led discussion relating her EDUC: Deconstructing Differences classes and Nietzsche. Specifically, Sam delves into Michael Foucault and his deconstruction of the power dynamics for sexuality by relating it back to Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals. The class discussed some norms that we live in that often tend to limit our life by putting ourselves in a "box." Another student related the idea of work to these harmful social norms. 

The idea of work, in my opinion, is absolutely absurd. FUCK WORK. Literally, please read this article, "Fuck Work." 

Discuss this potential question: 
-The very first few lines of the Fuck Work article states that “Work means everything to us
Americans. For centuries – since, say, 1650 – we’ve believed that it builds character”
(Livingston). Work is associated with the character and our level of virtue. How would
Nietzsche respond to our society stating that work defines who we are (character/virtue)?

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